Since 1977 Communicare has been helping create better futures for individuals, families and communities.
We are a for-purpose organisation with a strong reputation for genuinely caring about the people we help. We advocate for social and economic inclusion, empower people to participate in their communities, and provide innovative services to communities across Australia.
Our aspiration
A nation where every person is safe, included and connected.
Our purpose
We provide services that support people and communities to thrive.
Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan for 2021-2024 outlines our organisational goals and commitments. It builds on what we have achieved so far and sets us on a new direction, built around the six Pillars of Our Culture, Client Experience, Well-Run Business, Strategic Partnerships, Advocacy and Social Impact. To read more of our publications, visit our publications page.
How we operate
We are a people-first organisation
To build healthy, thriving communities, we need to support people to reach their full potential. This is why we have adopted a person-centred approach to service delivery. Everything we do is designed to be respectful of, and responsive to, the needs, preferences and values of the people we work with. This is why we see our work as a partnership with our clients, where we ensure they have choice, that their perspectives, beliefs and preferences and valued, and that we support their hopes for the future.
We are committed to reconciliation
Communicare are deeply committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are welcome, heard and valued. While our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a vital part of our commitment, our commitment goes beyond our RAP to ensure that the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are included in everything we do.
Read more about our commitment to reconciliation
We adopt Trauma Informed Practice
Trauma informed practice means adapting how we deliver services to accommodate trauma. Understanding the widespread impact of trauma allows us to provide better, more supportive care. We support people’s safety, choice, and control, in order to promote healing.
Read our Trauma Informed Practice Framework
We are a Child Safe organisation
We believe that children and young people should be safe, happy, have choice and be heard. We all share the responsibility to ensure children and young people are safe and healthy. Our commitment not only focuses on the safety of children and young people, but also on supporting them to grow, learn and flourish. We reflect this commitment in our child safe principles and practices.
Read more about our commitment to being Child Safe
Click here if you are a child or young person wanting support