Communicare is proud of our gender diversity and commitment to gender equality.
Our workforce is 80% female. We have strong gender balance amongst our leadership team with:
- 50% of our Executive Leadership Team being female;
- 60% of our senior leaders being female; and
- 92% of our frontline leaders being female.
We are very proud that we have reduced our gender pay gap over the last three reporting periods by 7.8% and that our current total remuneration gender pay gap (11.3%) is lower than the Australian National Gender Pay Gap (as determined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics) of 13% and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) Gender Pay Gap of 21.7%.
Communicare provides our employees with access to a range of flexible working arrangements including additional paid leave, flexible hours, paid parental leave, access to part time work and working from home. We have taken strong steps to implement the requirements in relation to positive duty in the workplace and are committed to eliminating sexual harassment and sex based discrimination within our organisation.
We are committed to reviewing our gender pay gap data to identify the underlying drivers and ensuring we develop some additional workforce strategies to continually improve our performance in this critical area.